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tv   Hannity  FOX News  July 28, 2014 7:00pm-8:01pm PDT

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and israel tonight, you may think she's been onto something. bret thum and report that gaza is still occupied territory. really? i'm megyn kelly. thank you for watching. this is "the kelly file". welcome to "hannity." this is a fox news alert. violence is escalating yet again today between israel and hamas in gaza. the israeli military says rockets misfired by palestinian militants hit a hospital and nearby park in gaza killing ten people. now, this as the military accuses gaza militants of entering israel through tunnels under the border and opening fire on israeli soldiers. meanwhile, israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu is blasting calls by the united nations for an immediate cease-fire saying the proposal does not address israel's security concerns and reminding everyone that hamas has violated three requests for a humanitarian cease-fire thus far. for the very latest we turn to
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fox's own conor powell on the ground in gaza. conor. >> reporter: well, sean, it was a relatively quiet this weekend comparison to what we've seen the past few weekends as both sides sort of stuck to a formal and informal cease-fire. but that call, that sort of lull, was shattered tonight as we have seen heavy fighting across all of gaza tonight. hamas firing rockets into israel, just some of the 2,600 rockets they've fired in the past 21 days. israel responding pounding gaza city. we're hearing and seeing fighting in parts of gaza city we really haven't seen in the past week or so. now, during the fight and of course civilians have been caught in harm's way, a rocket landing in a park near gaza's shifa hospital. ten people were killed including at least eight children. hamas blamed israel, israel blamed hamas. it's not clear. and really finding out who launched the rocket at this point is just simply too dangerous because the fighting
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is so intense right now. now, also hamas has infiltrated into israel earlier tonight. at least four hamas fighters used the tunnels sneaking into israel, engaging with israeli troops. we don't know how many israeli troops were injured or killed, but we understand there were casualties but we also understand at least one hamas fighter was killed during the fighting. israel is focusing on these tunnels. they say they have destroyed about 60% of the tunnels and they're going to get to about 20% more in the next day or so. that has been a key objective of the israeli military here in gaza for the past week or so. now, hamas is saying that they are simply not going to give up until this blockade is lifted around gaza. while israel is insisting the fighting will go on until the rockets are silenced and those tunnels are all destroyed. and what we are seeing and hearing right now, sean, is a massive escalation not anywhere close to what we saw over the weekend which seemed to indicate a cease-fire, maybe even a long-term cease-fire was on its way.
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we're seeing just the opposite right now, sean. >> conor, let me ask you about the cease-fire negotiations that have gone on. because i know that there have been a lot of reports here in the states today that john kerry capitulated to all of hamas' demands and did not tell the israelis that he was going to do so. there was a lot of angst and a lot of back and forth between the white house and what's going on in israel. >> reporter: yeah, it's an interesting situation where you have both the palestinian plo, which is generally based in ram la and israel complaining about john kerry's cease-fire proposal. the biggest issue seems to have been the idea that hamas was sort of being treated equally with israel in the cease-fire proposal. but the reality regardless of the back and forth is hamas is fighting, israel is fighting. they are the two that have to make a decision to come to a cease-fire. but israel and even the other palestinian groups were not particularly happy with the way hamas is being treated during this cease-fire. they think they're being given a
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little too much credit, sean. >> but, conor, the hamas charter does call for the destruction of israel. they were responsible for the kidnapping and killing of three students and they did fire 2,300 rockets into israel. and they have denied every opportunity they had for a cease-fire, correct? >> reporter: that's exactly correct. i mean, listen, there's no defending hamas in this situation. but the reality is is it takes two groups to agree to a cease-fire. and not just one group. israel's already offered several cease-fires, hamas has rejected those. so until you have both sides agreeing to a cease-fire, we're going to see violence here, sean. >> conor, thank you. be safe. also tonight we are witnessing a rise of anti-semitism all around the globe. now, in the past few weeks protests against israel took place in several major cities including all of those highlighted right there on that map. in paris, for example, despite a ban on rallies, hundreds of protesters, well, they took to the streets this weekend.
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and according to police dozens of arrests were made. freelance reporter kathrine field is on the ground in paris and has the very latest tonight. kathrine. >> reporter: sean, i think before we go into how dreadful some of these rallies were, we have to remember that there have been 300 organized rallies in france that have been approved by the police. we're talking about five particular marches that were banned that young french predominantly muslim -- defied the ban and took to the streets and they were actually in the forefront you could perhaps even say, sean, they were going out there for a fight with the police. it's very -- there are two very distinct people out there demonstrating. you get one big group who really are quite horrified by what is happening in gaza and in israel. and then you get this other group who are clearly there just to have a go. now, let's not forget that also last weekend, yes, there was a rally that had been banned in
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paris but went ahead. quite a few arrest, some people say 50, some say 70. but also there was a pro-israel rally. there was a pro-palestinian rally south of paris. 10,000 people turned up to that. so you're getting a far more confused picture than just the simple anti-semitic. to be fair, yes, a weekend ago there was some dreadful demonstrations in a suburb of paris. and that did turn violent. and there were some attacked. that did worry people. and that is what led to the french foreign minister just over the weekend going on radio here in france and saying, yes, jewish people are scared, they are worried. and he also referred to the fact that more than 1,000 french jews have left france so far this year and moved to israel. >> all right. thank you very much. if you look right here on this map, i mean, this is going on worldwide. by the way including the united
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states. in new york city for example, london, paris, berlin, athens. all around the globe the rise of anti-semitism is getting very scary. pay close attention to istanbul because the prime minister of turkey has come out very strongly against israel's offensive against the palestinians, obviously. and against hamas. while he promises to keep the jews in his country safe, he's now encouraging them to denounce the israeli government. that's not all. late last week the turkish prime minister also said this. >> translator: look, let me respond to this comment of israel with one particular thing. one, who finances israel? two, israel is a terror state. they are creating a wave of terror with what they're doing now. >> all right. freelance journalist orion jones. i've got to be honest. that's somewhat of a conflicting message that he will not go
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after the israelis that are living in istanbul and living in turkey, but he's asking and demanding that people that are jewish denounce israel. israel has been the victim of 2,600 rockets, kidnapped and murdered children, infrastructure of tunnels designed to destroy and kidnap and murder people in israel. what is he to do? >> launching one verbal assault against israel after another. he said israel is more barbaric than hitler and said they're committing genocide against the palestinians. that drew a very stiff response from the u.s., the u.s. state department spokeswoman said that that was wrong and offensive. and then the prime minister shot back and said u.s. mind your own business. and then went onto repeat these comments. and the prime minister is really taking extremely tough stance. he's saying, look, this isn't aimed at jews, this is aimed purely at israel. but having said that i've been on demonstrations by many
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government supporters were there and there was plenty of anti-semitism and anti-semitic and much of the pro-government a lot of anti-semitism. i think we have to realize there are presidential elections going on and they're to be held in two weeks. he's courting his religious faith, which is very happy when the prime minister bashes the u.s. and in particular israel. very much looking towards securing that vote and anti-israel and anti-u.s. stance does play well. tension could rise even further because islamic announce they're going to send a platoon of ships to ruin israel blockade of gaza. nine turkey citizens were killed when israeli commanders stormed the ship. >> dorian, thank you so much. here with reaction to this worldwide anti-semitism,
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benjamin netanyahu. mark, the rise of anti-semitism around the globe as we put up here on this map behind me is quite chilling especially when you look at hamas's charter. it calls for the destruction of the state of israel. calls for the murdering of jewish people. why is the world lacking moral clarity? hamas started this, israel is defending itself and yet so many people turn on the people that are victims here. i'm having a hard time comprehending it. >> well, you're right about that. and what people sort of say hamas on one side and israel on the other. people forget we're a democracy. we're a free country. we're protecting our people against terror attacks. and on the other side is a brutal, extreme, radical terrorist organization, a very islamist organization not that dissimilar from isis in iraq or hezbollah or lebanon or boko
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haram that don't have any qualms about killing innocent people, their own people or our people. they are so radical, so extreme that they're against any peace whatsoever in israel. they say to solve what they call the palestinian problem, israel has to be destroyed. the only way to achieve that is through violent jihad. and that every israeli civilian muslim, every jew, man, woman and as we saw two, three weeks ago, children too, are legitimate targets in their war of terror. >> michael orrin was israel's ambassador to the united states from 2009 to 2013. he had a piece today in "the washington post," israel must be permitted to crush hamas. i actually think it would be a very bad idea for israel to engage in any temporary peace or peace negotiation. i know that the word peace may be defined differently by other people. i define peace as the ability to
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defend one's self. if israel does not take out the infrastructure, does not take out the rockets being fired into israeli cities, does not take out the tunnel infrastructure, to me it's a prescription for future war. don't you need to finish the job at this point? >> we don't want to come out of this and just have to revisit it in six months. what's the point? we don't want a band-aid solution. we want a real solution. and as my prime minister said tonight, benjamin netanyahu, said very clearly, when this is over we have to talk about demilitarizing gaza city. and hamas has built up this formidable terrorist military machine, a machine we are slowly but surely taking apart as we speak, but we have to make sure when this is over they cannot rebuild this machine. for that we're going to need concerted international effort both by regional countries and
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by the international community to make sure iran, qatar and turkey don't run in with support for hamas, not money, not missile. we've got to make sure gaza will stay demilitarized. >> let me ask you a political question without getting too deeply into it. apparently there's a little back and forth between john kerry and whether or not he capitulated to in fact every demand hamas had. but there's a bigger question. the united states of america gave f-16s, tanks and $1.5 billion to mohamed morsi in egypt who is the former head of the muslim brotherhood once referred to jews as descendents of apes and pigs. now we find our government, the united states not only the $47 million given last week but hundreds of millions of dollars to a coalition government that includes hamas, a terror group, that has in its charter the destruction of israel. is that a bad idea? i think it's a bad idea. >> i think what we should be doing is supporting palestinian
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moderates and not supporting extremis extremists. i think it's incumbent to say disassociate themselves from hamas, condemn the rocket fire on israel. now, to give credit to palestinian president mahmoud abass, he criticized hamas for the rocket fire and he's criticized hamas for not accepting the egyptian arab league cease-fire, one israel accepted. the trouble is he wavers. he may say one thing and the next day he'll condemn israel for war crimes when we're only acting to defend itself. it's time he got off the fence and showed himself to be a partner in peace. and the best way he can do that is today hamas is trying to cause problems on the west bank, stir up trouble. he should make sure that they can't do that. that way he proved himself that he's actually interested in peace. >> well said. thank you for being with us. coming up on this very busy news night, tonight on "hannity," is the obama administration betraying our closest ally? when we come back colonel oliver north is here to respond to that
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very question. plus, as the chaos on our southern border now rages out of control, we have new information tonight that president obama may be secretly planning to take action through the use of executive order and bypassing congress. we have exclusive details that and much more tonight as "hannity" continues. fighting constipation by eating healthier, drinking plenty of water, but still not getting relief? try dulcolax laxative tablets. dulcolax is comfort-coated for gentle, over-night relief. dulcolax. predictable over-night relief you can count on. that, my friends, is everything. and with the quicksilver card from capital one, you earn unlimited 1.5% cash back on everything you purchase. not just "everything at the hardware store." not "everything, until you hit your cash back limit." quicksilver can earn you unlimited 1.5% cash back
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welcome back to "hannity." yesterday secretary of state john kerry returned home from his attempt to broker a cease-fire between israel and hamas. and all he had to show for it was just a few hours of peace in gaza that has since come to an end. here with the very latest on the
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administration's handling of this mideast crisis is fox's own wendell goelor. wendell. >> there is concern even at the continued fighting. claims that secretary of state kerry pushed a cease-fire that favored hamas was based on leaks from people he said are either misinformed or attempting to misinform. state department spokeswoman jen psaki was more critical saying that's not the way partners and alliance treat each other. kerry said he made no apology for his and the president's push for an immediate and unconditional cease-fire though house speaker john boehner suggests support for israel and not peace mediation should be this country's main role. u.s. officials have said in every statement that they support israel's right to defend itself from hamas rockets. and its effort to destroy the tunnels from gaza. but with more than 1,000 palestinians dead, the majority civilians and many women and
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children and some israeli civilian casualties as well, u.s. officials say the violence simply must end. israeli officials blame the palestinian casualties on hamas. they say firing from civilian areas. sean. >> wendell golor, thank you. with an american brokered cease-fire in gaza looking less likely, the battle spread to the sunday morning political shows. both sides stating their case. let's take a look. >> we are not fundamentalists. we not actually fight the jews because they are jews. >> you want to recognize israel as a jewish state? >> no. i said i do not want to live with a state of occupy -- >> hamas has broken five cease-fires that we accepted. and we actually implemented. they rejected all of them, violated all of them including two humanitarian cease-fires in the last 24 hours.
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now they come with their own cease-fire proposal. and believe it or not they violated even their own cease-fire proposal. they're shooting at us as we speak. >> now secretary of state john kerry has returned from the embattled region with nothing to show for his visit, we are left asking has the administration betrayed our ally, israel. here with reaction the author of "counterfeit lies," the host of war stories, our friend colonel oliver north. listen to the head of hamas saying we're not fundamentalists, we're not fanatics. we do not actually fight the jews because they are jews. excuse me? their own charter calls for the destruction of israel. what part of that -- >> and of course when pressed deny the right of israel to exist. sean, i'm amazed that the backfire that's grown as a consequence of what kerry tried to do. you know, yelling cease-fire is a desperate bid for attention by the obama administration.
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the o-team has commanded immediate cease-fires without preconditions in syria during the civil war early, in egypt against the coup against morsi, in gaza now five times and in libya today. the state department today blamed gadhafi for the weekend evacuation of the u.s. embassy in tripoli. news flash for the white house, gadhafi's been dead since october of 2011. the united states used to be perceived as a reliable ally. we are no longer seen that way. when i was in israel last spring, john kerry called israel an apartheid state. and he threatened to join the eu boycott of israel if they wanted to launch one. obama wants to return to the pre-'67 borders of israel. you might as well say death to israel. in moscow, tehran, pyongyang and beijing they are laughing at the flaccid u.s. response and the
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obama ploy to save hamas. >> you know something -- >> hamas has friends. let me just finish this because this is very important. urd juan, prime minister of turkey, member of the muslim brotherhood, they are backing hamas. the dynasty in qatar is backing hamas. and the iotolas in tehran are backing hamas. what does this tell you about who their friends and talk about us funding israel, it's bologna and you know it. >> and john kerry is talking to israel and turkey and qatar and everybody in the region -- actually, egypt blamed hamas. and that's the largest arab nation, which i think was a little bit of a surprise to some people here. but it seems madeleine albright said the world's a mess. we never had a president this hostile towards our closest ally in the middle east ever. >> and we now see the white house as backing malaki and iraq. they're doing nothing to help
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the christians in the northern part of the country. the lesson in all of this that's got to be learned, our allies no longer trust us. our adversaries no longer respect us. and they certainly don't free us. if you live in manila, seoul, ri add, lithuania, astonia, be afraid. >> hamas is a terrorist organization. they're dedicated to israel's destruction. so my question is, if the united states doesn't take sides and doesn't stand with israel and they keep calling for a cease-fire before this infrastructure's destroyed, whose side are we on here? fair question? >> we're certainly not on the side of the national security of the united states. the ultimate issue is we cannot exist in this globe, this very disordered globe, without allies. and if you're in any one of those capitals that are counting on us to come to their help, you've got to be very worried about it.
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and the end result is going to be that many of those countries once iran gets the nuclear bombs that they're dedicated themselves to get, once we've released all those sanctions against the iotolas in tehran, they will build their own nuclear weapons. so the pillar of barack obama's foreign policy going back to 2008 is nonproliferation. the end result is going to be a far more dangerous world than the one we have today. >> colonel north, thank you for being with us. coming up this past saturday was the deadline isis gave iraqi citizens to denounce their faith or die. coming up an iraqi christian will join us with an exclusive interview. plus, tonight -- >> christianity as we now know it is being wiped out before our very eyes in iraq. >> the congressman who is calling out the white house for ignoring genocide in iraq. he'll join us from capitol hill. and later, is president obama secretly trying to present
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welcome back to "hannity." this weekend was set for christians either pay a tax, leave the city and if they did not comply they would be executed. my next guest is an iraqi christian who have been helping those in fact who have fled mosul. christina, thank you for being with us. i'm very sorry about what you're going through. >> thank you so much for having me. >> tell us, so you were told by isis militants all christians were told, leave the city by saturday, pay a tax or you -- or convert, or you will be killed. convert to islam. >> yeah. that's true.
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yeah. >> and how was that message delivered? >> they send messages to the houses of the christian people. and the message that you have three or four options. either to pay money, either to convert to islam or to be killed. the last -- the last option was to leave the city, city of mosul. >> what have most people done? and how much was the tax they were looking for? >> of course most of christian people they left the city because very large program. i think they said 450. and of course because most of the people are not working now
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and being paid from the government. so they cannot have salaries. so how could they pay the tribute? >> so they leave the city, and i assume that means they're leaving their homes behind. what about those people perhaps were too sick to leave? what happened to them? >> sorry? >> in other words, i assume that means they lose their homes, that they'll be confiscated. and what about those christians that maybe are too sick to leave. what happens to them? >> sorry, i can't hear you. the christian? >> what happened to those people that were unable to leave? >> yeah. i think most of them, 99% they left. but there were some handicap people in the hospitals. they could not leave the city. so they were forced to convert to islam. >> right. so in other words they have to either convert or they will be
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killed, they will become mar t s martyrs. >> yeah. >> are you getting a lot of international help? >> until now -- humanitarian organization, we got many help from our mother and our sister organization in the united states. we got the help from -- society in australia. we got another help from our friends in sweden. and accepting more help. >> all right. christina, you're in our thoughts and prayers. very sorry about what you're going through. we appreciate you being here. christians, by the way in iraq, they need to know they're not alone. my next guest is making his voice heard on the house of representatives floor. watch this. >> the president of the united states needs to speak out on
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this issue. time is of the essence. we cannot afford to wait any longer. christianity as we now know it is being wiped out before our very eyes in iraq. >> here to explain how the white house cannot just sit back and watch while christians are persecuted and killed in iraq is the man you just heard from, congressman frank wolf. congressman, the broader issue here is this desire by radical islamists to have a worldwide caliphate. which is they want everybody to convert. in fidels, christians and jews, they should be killed, right? >> correct. it's genocide against the christian community there. the administration is doing almost nothing. they could be calling malaki and asking him to defend the christians. he flew the shia out and left the christians there. they could be thanking the kurds for protecting and continuing to protect the christians.
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they could be giving relief to the catholic relief or world division to help them. but this is basically genocide. what you're seeing is keep in mind more biblical activity took place in iraq than any other country in the world other than israel. abraham's from iraq, daniel's buried there. many of the iraqi christians speak the same language as jesus, yet the world is forgetting. >> so let me see if i have this straight, congressman. you just last week gave $47 million supposedly for humanitarian relief for the palestinians who elected hamas to be a part of their government, a terror group. and we have not done anything to help the people in mosul that are being told convert or die? >> we are not helping the people in mosul. they have left mosul. they have gone to the kurdish area. the kurds are protecting them right now. i appreciate your former person coming on. they were painting n on the
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house of nazarine. some people have spoken out. not many. the president needs to speak out, the secretary of state and religious leaders in the west have to come to the defense of the christian community or else we will see no longer will we see any christianity in the middle east. >> all right. we're going to stay on this story. thank you, congressman, for what you're doing. we appreciate it. coming up, a new disturbing report about how president obama plans to tackle the crisis on our southern border. it's getting worse every day. we have an exclusive update. plus, last week members of the mainstream media were very quick to call the execution of a convicted murderer "botched," but the facts prove it's not exactly how it all went down. coming up later i will speak with his defense attorney as "hannity" continues.
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welcome back to "hannity." while chaos continues to erupt on our southern border, president obama is considering bypassing congress yet again to grant amnesty to illegals from parts of central america. standing by tonight at the "hannity" big board with those details is outnumbered co-host katie pavlic. >> this will be a humg problem. good evening, sean. good to see you. with no plans it bolster border security, president obama is considering new executive action without the consent of congress to grant thousands of honduras amnesty before green lighting them into the united states. cutting out the process of trekking through mexico. while talk at the white house limits the pilot program to young people from honduras, it can be expanded to those living in other central american countries. critics say obama's executive action would redefine the legal definition of a refugee and increase illegal immigration to the u.s., not decrease it.
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last friday president obama met with presidents from honduras, guatemala and el salvador to discuss the ongoing crisis. meanwhile, a new survey shows an overwhelming 67% of americans want recent illegal immigrants sent back to their home countries while only 11% think they should be able to stay in the u.s. in addition while the obama administration has argued violence in central american countries is to blame for the influx, only 29% agree. and 57% of americans believe illegal immigrants are coming to the united states because they believe they'll be granted amnesty and be able to stay. meanwhile, bipartisan legislation co-sponsored by texas senator john cornyn and streamlined to turn more unaccompanied minors at the border as harry reid refuses to call a vote. president obama has called on congress to approve before leaving on august 3, that's
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friday. for more health care and schooling for illegal minors and their families. back to you, sean. >> katie, thank you for that report. she'll join us here at the table in just a minute. now let's bring in immigration attorney francisco hernandez to debate the president's handling of this border crisis. this 2008 provision, francisco, is very simple to fix. it was designed to prevent sex trafficking of kids from central america. i think its intent was right. but we treat kids from mexico differently than central america. they can be sent back immediately. is that something that you think the president should do right away? or should he bypass congress, forget about separation of powers and co-equal branches of government and do what they apparently are out there floating to do. >> it's a no win answer, mr. hannity. i'm the one who first brought up the kidnapping 2008 provision. but quite frankly congress doesn't want to act on it because as soon as anything gets
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opened for debate in the congress, then all bets are off. and everything comes in and we're talking about -- >> there are two things we ought to be able to agree on. that provision is being misinterpreted. it was designed for one thing. now we spend $100 million just on travel, then we have to feed them and house them and take care of them and offer them health care. so why not treat these kids the same as the kids from mexico. you agree that would be the right thing? >> mr. hannity, yes. i brought that up on your show. precisely. we've got to plug that hole. >> we've got to close the border. you agree with me on this? >> look, we agree on these for different reasons. if you remember the last show you had me as your guest, we have to address it at the source. once we're at the border, look, even if we reinforce the border, that's just one more obstacle that's nowhere near as dangerous as the smugglers are going to find at home. >> once they know they can't get into america, that problem's
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going to be solved because they're not going to invest time and money if they can't get in here. >> if the word doesn't get back. but the word doesn't get back, mr. hannity. we've got to address it at the source. so we meet with the president of honduras. >> i don't think we have the -- let me go to katie for a second. hang on. >> we can't get nicaragua, honduras to stop the train. >> what mexico does, katie, is put you in jail or send you home. >> right. >> here's the question though, if the president bypasses congress, forget separation of powers and co-equal government, i'm going to imagine there will be a massive uproar. >> not only that, but you've seen polling show that people are not too happy with president obama bypassing congress on a whole host of oh issues. this is something people are paying attention to and will
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come up at the 2014 elections, at the top of the list when it comes to problems facing the country. >> 75% of americans want people coming illegally sent home. >> i think people are pretty frustrated with there is a bipartisan piece of legislation on the table from senators from texas, they are doing exactly what you both have agreed on, and that is classifying central american kids and then treating them the same way as they would treat mexican kids. giving border patrol more ability to do that right away instead of going through this process of the immigration system. >> let me go back to francisco. taking the bait. >> as soon as you open the bait, mr. hannity, all bets are off. >> wait, the president -- hang on a second. the president says that he wants consensus. he says it all the time. >> right. >> here's consensus, the president would rescind that 2008 provision for kids from central america if he would agree to control the borders so that we are in control of our destiny. remember, i was down there, people are coming from yemen and
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syria and pakistan and afghanistan. that's something we can agree on and then they can move to the next step. >> but mr. hannity, needs to be overturned by congress, not president obama. >> that's the point. that's the whole point is you say that you want debate, but there is a bipartisan piece of legislation that does exactly that to that 2008 provision. it allows them to treat people from central america the same way they would treat people coming here from mexico. that's exactly what's on the table. >> hold on. >> harry reid has to pick up the phone and work with it. that's what -- >> good to see you. and francisco, we're just out of time. coming up tonight right here next on "hannity". >> i know he was not gasping for air. i know he was snoring because the microphone did come on within the execution room. >> that was a clip from my exclusive interview with the relatives of two people murdered by the man who was put to death last week. coming up next, his defense attorney, he'll respond to that. he joins me exclusively next.
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welcome back to "hannity". last week, controversy arose in connection with the execution of this man, convicted murderer joseph wood, some claim he took
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two hours to die and repeatedly gasped for air. family members of his victims witnessed the execution and contra tikted reports here on this program. >> when we first walked into the execution room as witnesses he was still fully awake. he looked over at my family and laughed at us i know he was not gasping for air. he was snoring because the microphone did come on several times when the doctor would come in and check on him. you can hear a snoring noise coming from him. not a gasping noise like the media portrayed it to be. >> joining me now the lawyer for the convicted murderer who filed an unsuccessful emergency appeal to have the in progress execution stop. thanks for joining us. >> thank you for inviting me. >> i wasn't there, but will say
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this. how long did your client? what year did he kill two people? sister and father of that woman? >> the crime occurred in 1989. >> okay. brutally murdered them, right? >> yes. without a doubt. >> okay. >> do you know what? this may sound cold and callous the victim's family says that they thought he was senatoring and he was out from the sedative. i'm not there. i'm not a doctor. and years after, what about the suffering of that woman? her and that family? and those people that were murdered? they suffered a lot. didn't they? >> absolutely. you know, the crime occurred and they suffered a lot. but this is about the state carrying out the death penalty
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and the execution of one of its citizens >> there is one way to do it quickly. what about a firing squad? is there any means you would support if you don't like this method? >> i'm not in the arizona legislature. >> i didn't ask you if you're in the legislature, i'm asking what form of execution would guarantee a quick kill would you like? >> that is not for me to answer my -- >> sure it is. sure it is. if you have a hiring squad, it's over. he's dead. so this would never come into question. >> sure, he's -- >> in a lot of states people offered, you know which choice? how they would like to die. i can't think of -- >> yes. >> arizona does have that option for a person's convicted of crimes before 1992, gas chamber is an option but again, if the prisoner does
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not choose, then lethal injection is the default method. >> would you prefer something guaranteed to do the job quickly? >> well, i think everybody would be comfortable with that. if we're going to have the death penalty, it needs to be carried out in a manner that conforms with the constitution. what we saw from last week there were problems with the way arizona carried it out. >> it happened in arizona and oklahoma my sympathy with victims and families ta years later they had to deal with this. my heart goes out to them, more. thank you, sir for being with us. >> sure, thank you. >> more "hannity". right after the break. she's still the one for you.
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don't forget, tomorrow night, 10:00 eastern. hope you'll record "hannity" the series. don't forget. ainsley, fox and friends 5:00 to 6:00. and steve, brian, elizabeth 6:00 to 9:00. thank you. factor is on. tonight. >> what's your daily routine like? >> i wake up, fall asleep. wake up. smoke a bowl, go to work. >> the "new york times" calling for legalized marijuana all over the u.s.a. but, there is a hidden agenda here. and we will expose it tonight. also, watters in newport, rhode island asking folks to grade president obama. >> five. >> seven,. >> two. >> the idea that we can't assimilate these 8-year-old criminals with their teddy bears is preposterous. >> conservative george will calling for all illegal alien children to be accepted by the u.s.a. we'll debate mr. will's point of view. >> i have said many times israel has a right to defend